Your support makes a difference at Margarita Muñiz Academy!
When you contribute to the Muniz Academy, you provide resources that enable our Latino youth in Boston to gain the learning experiences necessary for each of them to attain their dreams of success.
Annual Giving
Annual gifts made to the Muniz Academy will supplement educational resources for the students while supplementing the operating budget of the school. You may choose to designate your annual Fund Gift to one of the following areas:
- Exciting expeditions learning about career options in developing industries
- College tours
- Math tutorials
- The Debate Teams competing in both Spanish and English
- Outdoor camp as part of our orientation experience with 9th Graders
- El Sistema program that includes 4 brass and wind ensembles
- Life-changing arts experiences discovered in Boston’s art world
- Professional Development for Teachers
Every gift has an impact!
provides for 10 workbooks for Literacy Tutorials
provides for sheet music for our El Sistema Music Program
provides for graphing software for the math department
provides a new laptop per student - totally essential for learning.
- a seminar on curriculum development
- visual arts materials
- tickets to view art exhibits and theater performances in Boston as an enhancement to their in-school curriculum.
- 5 buses for Expeditionary Learning trips for Science, Humanities and Debate
- specialized college tours for 5 students
- 2 sets of tympani for the EL Systema Ensemble
- a 3-month residency for a Theater Group for 9th and 10th graders
- buses for college tours beyond Boston
- Math Coaching to all 9th and 10th grade students
- support for our mental health and family services
- career pathways courses such as our Medical Interpreter Course
provides our incoming 9th grade class with an initial bonding experience at our annual camp trip
provides 20 MacBook Pros for our Media Lab
Ways to Give
Your secure online donation can be made at any time, click below:
Donate NowBy Mail
Please make checks payable to the Margarita Muniz Academy Foundation and send to:
Muñiz Academy, 20 Child Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130.
Muñiz Academy is a 501c3.

Cecilia Soriano, Director of Development at Muñiz Academy
For additional information, please contact Cecilia Soriano, Director of Development at (617) 635-8198 or via email at