School and District Policies

Attendance Policy

Muñiz Academy is designed to prepare every student as a citizen and scholar.  Our collective work as students, staff, and families is completely focused on this critical time for learning and preparation for college and beyond.  We ask that every student invest 100% of their time as learners invested in becoming powerful citizen scholars. Athletics, extracurricular activities, recreational pursuits and work all play a complementary yet secondary role in this process. We believe that students must be present in school and be an active participant in the educational process. Our collective message to students is “Being present is the first step to success. Being present reflects RAICES.”

Ample time has been built into the school year for vacations. Parents should make every effort to abide by the school calendar. If a student must leave school early, parents must call the main office to notify us of the need for an early dismissal.  Medical documentation must be brought in as appropriate.  Students will not be given approval for excused absences in the event of extended vacations.

It should also be understood that, prior to their departure, students are to speak to their teachers to get homework assignments and to submit all pre-assigned work due during their absence. Students absent for one or two days should contact other students for homework assignments. Make-up work is the responsibility of the student.

On Time To School

Students are expected to be in the building no later than 8:15 so they can get ready for class. All classes for all grades start at 8:30. Students who have excessive tardies and absences are in danger of not passing their courses.

We know that students who are in school every day and on time every day are much more successful in their overall school work.

Dress Code

Muñiz Academy is committed to creating a respectful, welcoming learning environment for all students, families, and staff.  While we encourage student’s self-expression and individuality, we are establishing dress code standards that help foster a secure, appropriate setting where all students can focus on their educational goals towards success as a learner and community member.

- Students should dress casually and comfortably for school while wearing clothing that is well suited for a school environment.

- All students must wear long pants and a top that has short or long sleeves. Tops must overlap pants at the waist.

- Clothing, drawings, tattoos and accessories that display or promote hurtful, violent or bias-based images are not permitted. These could include gang insignia or weapons; drug, alcohol or tobacco-related information; and obscenities, put-downs, stereotypes, sexual innuendos, or offensive words or graphics.

- Heads are to be uncovered while in the building at all times -  hats and head coverings are to be removed in all classrooms, school events, and activities. Appropriate head coverings may be worn inside only for religious reasons.

- Face covering will be allowed pending regulations by the district to address health safety for the community. Students may choose to wear the Muñiz Academy polo shirts, t-shirts, sweatshirts and pants that will be available for purchase.

A violation of the dress code will require a change of clothing. Sound judgment and reasonableness will be applied in interpreting the dress code. Special circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis by members of the administration.

Cell Phones

Classrooms and hallways are Cellphone Free Zones.

As per BPS policy, students may not use cell phones during any class time, in the hallways, or the bathrooms. Students may use cell phones only during their lunch period. Electronics and cell phones that are taken out at any time other than lunch will be taken by staff for the day. Cell phones and electronics are always returned at 3:30 dismissal.

Boston Public Schools Substance Abuse Policy: shs-01-drug-and-alcohol-abuse